Survival and Beyond - June 12, 2013

Survival and Beyond - show

Summary: When the news broke about Ed Snowdon's release of documents regarding the true extent of the NSA's domestic surveillance activities, it was met by some with complacancy, with people saying: "So what? I already knew that". Well, we may have taken it as a matter of course that the government has been spying on us and gathering our sensitive, private information for several years, but apart from this speculation (and the bits and pieces of information that have managed to make it onto the internet) this has been the accepted assumption. But not until now have we had irrefutable evidence of the depth and scope of the NSA's operation and now the world knows that the NSA has been routinely lying to Congress about the scale of their surveillance operation. We cannot afford to become complacent and allow any of this information to slip down the "Memory Hole"! I also broadcast Snowdon't interview with The Guardian's Glenn Greenwald and discuss some of the important points. I also report on the exposure of "Main Core"; a secret government database run by an organization that has been processing our data (supplied by the NSA, CIA, FBI, etc.) for the purpose of compiling lists of Americans to detain in the event of martial law... And they've been doing it since the 1980's! Which reveals how far back the illegal surveillance matrix goes.