PJ King (Sally Andrews): Author of Rough Ride

WiSP Sports show

Summary: Author PJ King - aka Sally Andrews - talks about her debut novel Rough Ride; an aga-saga of gossipy village life with its eccentric and racy personalities and saucy diversities among horse people whose shenanigans lead to a chain of catastrophic and far reaching events which will guarantee a rough ride ahead for them all.  Sally tells us how the story came about through her background in the horse world and how it has already inspired her to start working on the sequel.  You can also hear the Prologue to Rough Ride and the first two chapters will be available shortly. The audio book will be for sale later this summer. Find out more about Sally and Rough Ride on her website.  Follow her on Twitter @pjking_author and join her Facebook Page. Follow me on Twitter @chrisestafford