PAMELA BRUNER: Authentic Sales Secrets

Art of Joyful Living show

Summary: Can you relate to these scenarios? "I feel so pushy when I try to have a conversation with someone about hiring me." "When someone says 'no', it feels painful and embarrassing, like a knife in my guts." "I hate the thought of sales, and wish I could just do what I love to do."  If you provide transformational work, chances are, you can relate to all of the above.  That’s why Cindy and Linda are so delighted to welcome back Business Coach and EFT Expert Pamela Bruner. Pamela will share the secrets to sales that took her from earning $375/month to creating a million-dollar-a-year business in less than three years - all while staying in integrity. As an EFT expert practitioner, get ready for some major tapping. Pamela combines savvy business strategies with powerful tapping and she and her clients experience huge results! Want to know the number reason that heart-centered entrepreneurs fail at sales and how to overcome it? Tune in and you’ll find out the answer to this and more! Pamela is the co-author of ‘Tapping into Ultimate Success’ book and DVD with Jack Canfield, creator of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'. Find out more about her work at