Into the Woods Casting, Two Chef Movies, The Incredibles 2, Gremlins Reboot, Preview Reviews for Riddick and About Time, Star Trek Into Darkness Reviewed

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: Some great headlines and rumors to discuss on this week's episode of the GeekScholars Movie News podcast! The show kicks off with the hosts discussing the large amount of casting currently underway for the film adaptation of the Broadway musical, Into the Woods. Specifically, it sounds like Meryl Streep, Johnny Deep, Chris Pine, Jake Gyllenhaal, Allison Janney, and Anna Kendrick may all be joining the fairy tale adventure. Also, two movies about chefs are squaring off—Chef starring Jon Favreau, Robert Downey, Jr., and Scarlett Johansson, and a rival picture of the same name starring Bradley Cooper and Michelle Williams. From there, the crew plays 'Never Tell Me the Odds', where they predict the probability of: Incredibles 2 making to the big screen A Gremlins reboot getting off the ground Christopher Nolan directing a James Bond film Karl Urban returning for Dredd 2 Arnold Schwarzenegger starring in a Toxic Avenger remake Finally, the GeekScholars cap off the show with Preview Reviews of Riddick and About Time, as well as a spoiler-free review of Star Trek Into Darkness, with a spoiler-abundant discussion after the credits!