The Films of SDCC2013 Preview, Man of Steel Reviewed

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: The 2013 Comic-Con International: San Diego is just a few mere weeks away! The crew of GeekScholars Movie News will be there, bringing you all the breaking news as it happens, for all of your most anticipated movies. It's with that in mind that the hosts did some extensive research past week and are dedicating this episode to which films fans can expect to have representation (along with who and what) at SDCC2013, and which ones will probably skip it. The GeekScholars weigh in on over 25 blockbusters expected to hit between now and 2015 including: The Wolverine Riddick The World's End The Hunger Games: Catching Fire The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug The Amazing Spider-Man 2 X-Men: Days of Future Past The Avengers 2 Star Wars: Episode VII...and many, many more! For the second half of the show, Chris, Fox, and Jill debate the positives and negatives of the recently released Man of Steel, each of whom had very different takeaways from the film. During the show, listen to a completely spoiler-free review, then stay after credits to hear the GeekScholars discuss specific Man of Steel plot points and moments.