Hello World! Episode 0.5 - Just the Tip


Summary: Our heroes say Hi with a brief rundown of their secret origin stories and love of all things derby.  They call on the kindness of strangers and whet our appetites for what is to come.  Future's so bright we gotta wear shades. Hope you dig it.  Once you've listened hit us up on Facebook, Twitter, or Email by clicking of the pretty logos in the right hand bar over there. =======> You can download it directly by right clicking on the link below and choosing “Save Link As”. Or simply click the link to play it in your browser. Viva La Derby! Podcast EPISODE #0.5 DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR NIGEL'S DERBY NAME BY SELECTING YOUR PREFERRED OPTION IN OUR POLL IN THE RIGHT HAND BAR. IF YOU WANT TO SUGGEST A DIFFERENT NAME TO ADD TO THE POLL COMMENT OR MESSAGE US.