digby & Gaius Publius Virtually Speaking Sundays

Virtually Speaking show

Summary: April 14, 2013 - From the VS Media Panel: digby & Gaius Publius: • President's budget and the politics of the Chained-CPI, how that affects the 2014 campaign. (What are Republicans really up to?) • Is Obama a "transformational" president? • The new openness on social issues (except women's rights, of course). •  Gaius's climate change elevator speech. • Political satire from Culture of Truth Follow @digby56, @gaius_publius,@JayAckroyd, @Bobblespeak More at virtuallyspeaking.us/virtually-speaking-sundays/2013/4/14/digby-gaius-publius-vs-sundays digby — American political writer and founder of the liberal blog Hullabaloo, Digby has contributed to Campaign For America's Future's blog The Big Con, Salon Magazine,  Huffington Post, Crooks and Liars and Firedoglake. Gaius Publius — Professional writer of stories, poems, and books on education & technology. Frequent writer and Contributing Editor at AMERICAblog.com. Occasional guest on Ring of Fire Radio, The Matt Filipowicz Show and other venues. Gaius has two political-themed works in process; one fiction and one non-fiction. The Virtually Speaking Media Panel: Avedon Carol, Cliff Schecter, David Dayen, Dave Johnson, David Waldman, digby, Gaius Publius, Joan McCarter, Marcy Wheeler, Stuart Zechman