Home as a Means of Grace

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes herePODCAST SCRIPT: C.S. Lewis lived a half a century ago.  But he said something that could apply to teenagers today! C.S. Lewis wrote, “If the home is to be a means of grace, it must be a place of rules.  The alternative to rule is not freedom, but the unconstitutional tyranny of the most selfish member.” Is there someone in your home—maybe a teen—who is tyrannizing the entire family?  Is the most selfish member running over everyone else?  Maybe now’s the time to create some rules and boundaries. Create an environment where the rules provide safety, security and protection.  It’s not about ruling over your teens.  It’s about teaching rudimentary skills of discipline. As C.S. Lewis so eloquently said… rules at home can actually be a means of grace! ©2013 Mark Gregston www.parentingtodaysteens.org. Email: markgregston@heartlightministries.org. Phone: 1-866-700-3264