E3 2013: Day 1 Podcast (Conference Impressions)

4Player Podcast show

Summary: E3 is officially underway in a really big way! Day 1 consists of thr group running all over town to attend the 4 major press conferences (Sony, Microsoft, EA, & Ubisoft). These conferences are usually filled to the brim with filler and rarely feature many major game announcements. Luckily, this year is quite the opposite. The new generation of hardware has ushered in one of the most memorable conference days in recent years! We're talking Mirror's Edge 2, Final Fantasy XV, and much more! E3 2013: Day 1 Podcast - [download] [podcast]http://4playernetwork.com/podcasts/4pp/e3-2013-day1.mp3[/podcast] Discussion: Microsoft Press Conference EA Press Conference Ubisoft Press Conference Sony Press Conference Follow us on Twitter Fan us on Facebook Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed! Don't forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get each show as soon as it releases! As always, thanks from all of us here at 4player!