Ellen Bristol: Fundraising Guru


Summary: An artist is a person who creates, practices or demonstrates their creative talent through performance. Realists, says the Urban Dictionary, are the people who understand what needs to be done, and who do it to make the world a better place. Think about your personal career path. When were you an artist, with your talent in the lead? When were you a realist, doing what needed to be done and applying your talents to the task at hand? Fundraising Guru Today's guest isĀ Ellen Bristol, who took her talent for language and the performing arts and applied it to the work of selling main frame computers. When that industry shifted, she applied what she learned about sales to create a best-selling program for managing successful sales and fundraising campaigns. Ellen Bristol believes that asking people for money is an art; getting people to give you money is a talent. Find out the key elements behind this art and talent on this weeks Livelihood Show episode! To find out more about Ellen, please visit the Bristol Strategy Group's website. From De-Mystifying Fundraising: Seven Steps to Fundraising Success You started your nonprofit, or joined its staff or board, because you believe in the mission and have a commitment to your clients. Everything should be rosy - but it's not. Because now you've got to raise money. And so far it's been a frustrating, baffling and often anxiety-provoking task. When you try to improve things, you hear remarks like these: "We don't have time! We don't know how! We're not glamorous, popular, interesting, or well known!" Even worse, some people in the organization may think that fundraising is a dirty word that means hustling car washes or chicken dinners for pocket change. Well, this would be a great time to change those perceptions, wouldn't it? See beyond the myths of "notime, no skills, no confidence" and learn the Seven Steps to Fundraising Success, the seven basic habits, skills and methods that will transform your fundraising efforts and improve results year after year. Be sure to take a look at Ellen Bristol's latest publications here.