Mind Set Daily - June 25, 2013

Mind Set Daily show

Summary: Topics covered on today's episode of Mind Set Daily "ASSANGE: We Know Where Edward Snowden Is, But We’re Not Saying Yet" Julian Assange, the founder of the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, said Monday that National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden is “healthy and safe.” But Assange would not reveal Snowden’s whereabouts, amid confusion and questions Monday morning about his plans to seek asylum. "Edward Snowden Didn't Show For Flight From Moscow" This weekend NSA whistleblower/leaker Edward Snowden left a government safe house in Hong Kong and flew to Moscow, where he then booked a flight to Cuba. "Congress Insisted They NOT be Briefed on NSA Surveillance" Here’s somebody the Obama administration would probably rather have refrain from mounting a vocal public defense of the government surveillance programs. But former vice president Dick Cheney wants Americans to know that the programs were his pet project, the AP reports: Cheney said he was directly involved in setting up the program, run by the National Security Agency, or NSA, in the weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks against the U.S. He said it has had “phenomenal results” in preventing terrorist attacks. Support Mind Set Central Suscribe or donate