The Peacock Cichlids of Lake Malawi

Natures Talk Show show

Summary: The Peacock Cichlids of Lake Malawi On Monday July 16th 2012 at 10:30 EST, 9:30 CST, 7:30 PST As part of a series of discussions about Cichlids from the Rift Valley Lakes, Mr. Ray Owczarzak a professional aquarist will be on the Under The Sea Radio Show to discuss the haplochromine Genus known as Aulonacara. The Auloncara group are known as the Peacock Cichlids from Lake Malawi.   Perhaps some of the most beautiful and colourful species of Cichlids come from the Rift Valley Lakes in Africa and with the common name given to this group Peacock (Refering to Birds) the comment about their beauty may not be to far from the truth.