The Genus Tropheus - The Trophies of Lake Tanganyika

Natures Talk Show show

Summary:   On Friday August 24th 2012 at 10 pm est,9 pm cst and 7 pm pst, Mr Ray Owczarzak is scheduled to be back on the show to discuss the habits and habitat of these fish that generally inhabit the rocky shorelines of Lake Tanganyika. Discussion will also include the information about the various color morphs of the species and what has caused these interesting color morphs.The Tropheus genus is a very popular genus of cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. Many aquarists that are interested in keeping species of African Rift Lake Cichlids are familiar with this group of cichlids.  The Tropheus genus is a very popular genus of cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. Many aquarists that are interested in keeping species of African Rift Lake Cichlids are familiar with this group of cichlids.    The Tropheus genus is a very popular genus of cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. Many aquarists that are interested in keeping species of African Rift Lake Cichlids are familiar with this group of cichlids.