Introduction to Keeping and Breeding Tarantulas

Natures Talk Show show

Summary: On Monday November 12th 2012, 10 PM EST, 9 PM CST, 7 PM PST This should be a very interesting and educational program for those that are interested in keeping and breeding Tarantulas. Joining the program for this episode will be Jen Newman from Heartland Invertibrates.   Jen Newman is a hobbyist turned breeder of these interesting animals that could make a very interesting pet for people. She is very proactive in the hobby through the American Tarantula Society in dealing with helping to educate the newbies while learning from other more advanced hobbyists in the care of Tarantulas.   Jen will be on the show talking about the basics of keeping and breeding tarantulas especially the species that she is keeping and breeding.   For More information upon this special show on the Under The Sea Radio Show click on the following link:     To check out other episodes of the Under The Sea Radio Show go to this URL