Why isn’t my Shamanic Healing Working?

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: Shamanic healing allows us to get to the source of a problem or disease when that source lies outside of the purely physical or mental realms. When shamanic healing works it can feel like a miracle, but that doesn’t mean that it is a miracle. Shamanic healing works for very practical reasons that follow the logical flow of energy, emotion, and spirit. “Shamanic healing is not a magic bullet,“ explains host and shaman, Christina Pratt. “It will not do for you any of the aspects of healing that you must do for yourself. And there will always be aspects you must do for your self.” Join us as we explore how we know when we need to call on shamanic healing, when we need to reach out to another modality for help, and when we must do the one thing we don’t want to do—hitch up our britches and take the actions only we can take to become the version of our self who is well.