IGN UK Podcast #189: E3 For All

IGN Games Podcasts show

Summary: So not much is really happening next week. Some games are being announced or summat. Now, we jest, it's E3 – the week the internet melts. In this week's podcast we look forward to each and every press conference, and make some pretty bold predications which will inevitably be proved hideously wrong. So join Stu, Tom, and Krupa for a round-up of what will be going down next week. What games does Xbox One have up its sleeve? PS4 – what will it look like? Can Nintendo win everyone around? And what's Apple up to at WWDC? And on top of that, it would be remiss of us not to talk about Games of Thrones and THAT episode. Don't worry, though, all spoilers come right at the end of the podcast and we give you sufficient warning. We're not horrible people and we don't want to spoil it for you.