GSMN Podcast – Episode 020

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: In this week's episode of GeekScholars Movie News, the crew takes a long, hard look at all the big films being released in the month of January and gives their thoughts on which ones to run out and see as well as which ones to maybe avoid. Also, the GeekScholars continue their series of the 2011 GeekScholars Movie Awards, giving their picks for the films that were Most Surprising (in a good way), Most Disappointing, Most Visual Stunning, and the movies they where they radically disagreed with their fellow critics' assessments. Finally, thanks to a mail question from a fan, the GeekScholars attempt to pick well-known characters from movies that best represent each others' personalities and traits. Feel free to submit questions to the GeekScholars by writing to:!