San Diego Comic-Con Special Day 3 – Django Unchained, Pacific Rim, Godzilla, Man of Steel, The Hobbit, Iron Man 3 and The Future of Movies from Marvel Studios!

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: Well, there's no question we went out with a bang! On our third day at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con, the GeekScholars got to see footage from a TON of awesome films, including ​Django Unchained, Pacific Rim, Godzilla, Man of Steel, The Hobbit​, and ​Iron Man 3. We also even got to sit down with the cast of ​Iron Man 3​, plus we have a whole bunch of news to report on the future of the Marvel Universe (sequels to ​Thor, Captain America, ​and the status of ​Ant Man​)! You really don't want to miss this episode, as it was an INCREDIBLE day.