Marvel’s Upcoming Movies; Preview Reviews of Oz: The Great and Powerful, The Master, Man of Steel; The Dark Knight Rises Reviewed

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: The GeekScholars have reunited! After an amazing time covering the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con, the crew is back, ready to report on a whole host of awesome film news, and strap in because this week's show is pretty epic. On this episode of ​GeekScholars Movie News, honorary GeekScholar, and comic book expert, Nelson, makes a return appearance to the show, as the gang dives into a whole bunch of information regarding the upcoming entries into the Marvel Cinematic Universe including: ​Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Ant Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy. From there, listen to what the GeekScholars thought of the new previews they reviewed this week for ​Oz: The Great and Powerful, The Master,​ and the return of Superman in ​Man of Steel​. Last but not least, the crew reviews one of the most highly anticipated movies of 2012, ​The Dark Knight Rises​. For those of you who have not yet seen it, fear not, the in-episode review is completely spoiler-free. However, if you have seen the last Batman movie from Christopher Nolan, and want to hear the ​GeekScholars' unedited thoughts about it (which include MAJOR spoilers, like the entire ending), stay tuned after the credits for a special post-show discussion.