TPP 005 – This Ain’t No 2 Step

Tactical Paradise show

Summary: Welcome to Tactical Paradise!!!  I’m your host Greg Bakken.  In this podcast we’ll talk about all things tactical from everyday carry, the mindset of armed citizens, real life situations and scenarios and the gear that will help you survive.  This is episode 5. Gear Guide:  EDC Belts SOE Gear Hi-Point 9mm Carbine Gun Guy Radio Hi Point Interview Main Topic: 5 Step Presentation 5 Step Presentation From a Holster 1.  Support hand and dominate hand move at the same time.  Support hand goes flat against the chest.  Dominate hand grips the handgun in a strong grip.  Release any retention safeties. 2.  Leaving your support hand on the chest, use your dominate hand and lift the handgun to just enough that so that the barrel of the handgun clears the top of the holster. 3.  Drop your dominate hand elbow and cant the wrist to clear any loose clothing.  The support hand should still be on the chest.  The handgun should now be facing the intended target and should be fireable from this position. 4.  Bring the handgun with your dominate hand to the center of your body and meet your non dominate hand.  Grip the handgun with both hands, keeping your muzzle pointed at the intended target. 5.  Drive the handgun out towards your intended target with a finished position of your normal shooting stance.  (Unless your shooting stance needs work) Videos: Bad Example Good Example Haley Strategic Presentation Breakdown Gun Safety 1) Always treat a gun as if it were loaded. 2) Always point a gun in a safe direction. 3) Know your target and beyond. 4) Keep your finger off the trigger unless you intend to shoot. KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER!!!! Training Trick:  This week we are going to practice the 5 step presentation.  Start with an unloaded firearm.  Then go slowly through the 5 step presentation.  It may feel choppy, but that is okay and it should at first.  Once you feel comfortable at a slow pace drawing and then holstering, slowly pick up speed.  Remember to always hit every step of the 5 step presentation.  Don’t fire the gun in this drill.  Once you master the steps of the 5 step presentation, we will then implement firing. Feedback: Itunes Review Facebook:  Tactical Paradise Firearms Radio Network: