ep. 013 - Eric Ruth Games

Basement Gamedev Podcast show

Summary: Tronster (Firaxis Games & Geek House Games) and Brett Doerle (Wargaming.net) are joined by their guest Eric Ruth of "Eric Ruth Games" to talk about this one-man studio's latest project: "Hauntlings", and how he got to where he is today with over 30 titles under his belt. Eric is running an IndieGogo crowd-sourcing fundraiser, that if successful, will add network multiplayer to "Hauntlings". The fundraiser ends on June 15, 2013; support his efforts and donate. This episode was recorded by Tronster and mixed by Bryan Lee. Theme music The Massacre by FantomenK. Views expressed by hosts and guests are solely of the individuals and do not reflect the views of their current or prior employers. Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved.