TechMuze Ep – 33 Mind Games & Monetizing Your Music

Podcast | TechMuze Academy show

Summary: In this episode of the TechMuze podcast we wrap up our sneak peek at the artist promotion blueprint by discussing mind games and monetizing your music. How can we increase our chances of success? By understanding the psychology of our fans and implementing strategies to make it easier for them to say yes when we have something to ask. Link: Transcript » “Techmuze Episode 33” “Welcome to Techmuze, a netcast designed to educate and inspire your musical creativity through tech – both technology and technique. Please visit us at for show notes and more. Follow us all over the internet at Techmuzepodcast and as always enjoy the show.” Already! Welcome to the 33rd episode of the Techmuze podcast. We’re going to wrap up our short mini series on the Artist Promotion Blueprint that we’ve been going through the last few episodes with parts 5 and 6 of the first module of the artist promotion blueprint which is the theory module. In these parts we’re going to discuss one thing that I refer to as mind games which is sort of the how we implement this psychology of marketing, the psychology of influence into this marketing system this machine that we’re designing and we’re going to learn how to build the And then the other thing ofcourse is we’re going to discuss in the 6th chapter of this 1st module monetization which is ofcourse rather important if you’re trying to make a career as a musician. You have to figure out how to get people to ethically give you their money. And that’s the topic we’re going to discuss in a moment. But first what I want to do is take a second to say thanks to a few people who have taken me up on my offer here on my request rather, to show some love to the podcast and leave a review in Itunes. I just want to make mention of a couple. First, we have Amiga Gia I believe that’s how I’m supposed to pronounce that from the USA who says, “I love this podcast. Always interesting topics and highly thought-provoking. It’s help me to become a better music producer and audio mixer. Thanks Dezz! You rock!” I appreciate that. Also, from the USA we have Jamol Powell who writes in and says,”I found Dezz on Youtube and just fell into a whole new world of learning and it led me to this Techmuze podcast which I must add is short, sweet and really gets you thinking about a number of topics. But it doesn’t end there, also connects you to a community of like-minded others sharing ideas on a lovely art form. I really feel like anyone can pick up some nice info from Dezz and everything he’s put together. Shout out to Dezz, What’s up bro! I appreciate that Jamol.  And of course, will still lead  you to the Techmuzeacademy. However, is the direct url. I still maintain the ownership of because in previous podcast thats how I’ve referred to to the url to where I get you were your at. So, we will still work with as the official url either way. And just one more, we’ve got…this is from James Thompsonthret. It’s all one word…from Australia. He says, “This podcast is incredibly awesome so much knowledge. Thank you so much for sharing.” Well, I appreciate that. I’ll just call you James. How’s that? I appreciate that James. So, like I say I truly love it when people leave reviews on Itunes. One of course, because is it helps me maintain my large ego. And the other reason and more importantly is that is a big way as to which way how …what am I trying to say, Itune search engine…how it works. If you got reviews then Itunes search engines will give you a little more credibility. And it helps me to get the show discovered by other people who may also benefit from the topics we discuss here. So,[...]