ZZZZZs Please

Big Picture Science show

Summary: <p>We’ve all hit the snooze button when the alarm goes off, but why do we crave sleep in the first place? We explore the evolutionary origins of sleep … the study of narcolepsy in dogs … and could novel drugs and technologies cut down on our need for those zzzzs.</p> <p>Plus, ditch your dream journal: a brain scanner may let you record – and play back – your dreams.</p> <p>And, branch out with the latest development in artificial light: bioluminescent trees. How gene tinkering may make your houseplants both grow and glow.</p> <h2>Guests:</h2> <ul> <li> <strong><a href="http://med.stanford.edu/psychiatry/narcolepsy/mignot.html">Emmanuel Mignot</a></strong> – Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, and director of the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, Stanford University</li> <li> <strong><a href="http://glowingplant.com/team">Kyle Taylor</a></strong> – Molecular biologist at Glowing Plant</li> <li> <strong><a href="http://www.semel.ucla.edu/sleepresearch">Jerry Siegel</a></strong> – Neuroscientist and professor of psychiatry, the University of California, Los Angeles</li> <li> <strong><a href="http://gallantlab.org/">Jack Gallant</a></strong> – Professor of psychology and neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley</li> </ul><p><strong><a href="http://www.seti.cl/por-favor-zzzz/">Descripción en español</a></strong></p>