William Matthies | Merchandising is More Than a Low Price

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Summary: When you take a look at the ecommerce landscape, time and time again the online sales cycle is being reduced to lowest-price wins. In this engaging interview, Anthony discusses the endgame of the sales profitability cycle  with William Matthies, serial entrepreneur, founder of The Verity Group, a regular contributor to the consumer electronics trade publication TWICE, a business planning consultant and author of “The 7 Keys to Change”.  Topics covered in this segment include: Building the right online marketing mix Improving margins by providing a complete consumer experience Avoiding brand image erosion Better ways to verify authorized online retailers And Much More Bill welcomes your conversation and comments. You can reach out to him via his blog, http://williammatthies.com/ or you can order his book, “The 7 Keys to Change” http://www.amazon.com/Keys-Change-Approach-Managing-Smarter/dp/0988526204 And don’t forget to check out his TwiCE Article ‘Complete Experience’ Merchandising: It’s Much More Than Low Price http://www.twice.com/blogs/%E2%80%98complete-experience%E2%80%99-merchandising-it%E2%80%99s-much-more-low-price-105537