“Helpers” – a Free Story to help children in the face of a Natural Disaster

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Summary: Yesterday we published this post about how to talk to children about Natural Disasters like the tornado that just swept through Moore, Oklahoma.  And now we've created a story to help families with young children meet with news and experiences of natural disasters.  It's called "Helpers".  (You'll find the download link below.) It is a short story about Dennis, a happy little six year old boy who wakes one morning to see his mother listening to the radio in the kitchen.  She turns it off, but Dennis can tell that something is wrong and that his mother is feeling sad - and maybe a little scared.  She explains that something happened, a big storm moved through a town, and buildings were damaged and people were hurt.  When she sees that this is making him feel nervous, she scoops him up and tells him, “I know that when something like this happens – when there are very strong winds or other kinds of storms – people around the world will know about it. And do you know what they do when they find out?  They will help.” She then told him about how all the people on their street, in their neighborhood and in their town that want to make sure that he, Dennis, is safe. “But you know what, Dennis?” his Mother asked, raising her eyebrows, “It is time for us to be the helpers.  There are people that are feeling scared right now because a storm came to their house.  Our house is fine and so are we.  Are you ready to be a helper?” We hope this story helps with how your children meet this and other difficult events that we all must face.  We send our prayers to Oklahoma. Feel free to share this story with families who have heard or felt the impact of Monday's tornado in Oklahoma.   You can use it as a vehicle for family conversation, although often there is no need to discuss.   The story conveys it’s own message. This story has no Sparkle advertisement or copyright tag.  It is only intended as a gift to support families who may find it useful.  Feel free to download and share or email this story as often as you’d like.  We give permission for it to be shared freely.  You can find a print version of the story below. :: :: ::  Helpers Once upon a time in a little house on a street of many little houses, there lived a young boy named Dennis.  Dennis was six years old and lived with his mother and older brother Tommy.   Like most boys his age, Dennis loved to play in his back yard and ride his bike in the driveway and build towers of blocks in his room.  On rainy days he would put on his boots and rain jacket and dig little trenches between the puddles.  On windy days he liked to toss leaves and see how far the wind would carry them.   He had a best friend named Caroline who lived three houses down, and the two of them played nearly every day together.  In the summertime their favorite games were swinging on Dennis’s rope swing and hide-and-seek in Caroline’s back yard.  In the winter time they liked to build forts in the snow. Dennis was a happy boy who woke up every morning feeling as bright and cheerful as the sun that washed into his little room.  He dressed himself and helped his mother make breakfast.   After he brushed his teeth, he helped prepare his lunch.  Dennis went to the local kindergarten where Caroline and his many other friends went too.  He loved his days at school and enjoyed all the stories he heard and games he played every day. One day, however, was a little different.  When he woke up that morning, he dressed himself like he normally did, and then cheerfully went into the kitchen to help his mother.  But instead of standing behind the counter like she normally did in the morning, she was sitting at the dining room table listening to the radio.  When she saw Dennis, she turned the radio off and smiled – but Dennis could see that it was a pretend smile.  He could tell that his mother was feeling sad and maybe a little scared.  This made Dennis feel nervous. “What is it?” he asked,