Proof that God does NOT exist

Atheist Roundtable show

Summary: I've touched on the problem of evil.  That is a summarization of arguments against what I call, the "tri-omni god."  That is a god that is omnibenevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient.  But I think the parts of the puzzle pose their own arguments for the non-existence of god. Omnipotence:  Can god make a rock so big even he can’t lift it? Omniscient:  Does god know what it is like to discover something new? These qualities are self-conflicting.  They cannot exist, and therefore, any being that supposedly has these qualities cannot exist. What about perfection creating imperfection?  If god is perfect, how is it he is able to create imperfection?  He should not be able to do so, and thus, if the god does exist, he is not the creator. Finally, what about divine hiddenness?  If the perfect creator of the universe had a message for the creation, how is it this message is so hidden from us?  Why is it that it must be translated, re-translated, interpreted, re-interpreted, and so forth?  If a god wanted to die and resurrect as proof of divinity and love, why not do so in the age of the iPhone, when scientific evidence would be evaluated and documented?  Plus, your calls. No god could possibly survive this onslaught.   Friend me: Like the show: