Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Tonight broadcast is dedicated in Loving memory of : Rudolf Anderson, The only person killed by enemy fire during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Anderson died when his U-2 reconnaissance aircraft was shot down over Cuba.   March Madness 24/7 @ CPAC   Last week-end Rush Limbaugh Mocks 'Brainiac' GOP Consultants.  Limbaugh said Caddell "launched both barrels at CPAC" and let the Republican consultant class "have it" while blowing "the lid off of CPAC" with what Limbaugh described was a message that "the Republican consultant class is taking the party down the tubes, that they're making filthy amounts of money--$150 million a campaign--whether the candidate wins or loses." WOW Really?   Was this A outright attack on Karl Rove, Sean Hanity & other so called REPUBLICAN ROLE Models? Or was it really words to influence many of America's youth in the direction of A LONG SINCE Vanished TRUE Con$ervative movement w/ in The GOP?   This year several RHINO Republicans were asked to speak by CPAC leaders & it did NOT sit well with Rush nor Rand, Patrick Caddell Unloads accusing GOP Fat Cats as   'Racketeering'. MIA were Allen West, Condoleezza Rice, and Judge Andrew Napolitano from the MAJOR Speakers forum.   Is CPAC NOW in the hands of socialist Republcians w/ The National Party? ? Was this A NEW MOVEMENT from whats left of The Republican  $ CON$ERVATIVE $?   How about Rand Paul winning the straw Poll & CPAC'ers to Fox News: Don't go changing on the original message.   CPAC in review & Politics in its finest hour & South Carolina's SPECIAL Election District # 1 primary ALL , TONIGHT. CPT on BTR