Special Guest- Free PFC. Corey Clagett

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Tonights broadcast is dedicated in Loving memory of : Sgt. Tristan M. Wade, 23, of Indianapolis, Ind., died March 22 , 2013, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with an IED. Sgt. Wade loved his Colts & Fighting Irish Football teams & claim The Hoosiers 2012-13 Basketball team was bound The NCAA's Final 4 in Atlanta. He loved his sports & his country. http://freedomremembered.com/index.php/sgt-tristan-m-wade/ The story of PFC. Corey Clagett is A TRUE AMERICAN Patriot. He currently is in The Federal Prision in Levenworth & next week he will be up for A hearing where his future in the hands of A military parole board.  This story is about A 18 year old Private wearing his uniform with GREAT PRIDE. He was on his first tour when the politics of WAR had him arrested and since that time he has been locked up in A federal prision system. Melanie Dianiska is Corey's Mother who from SON up to SON down has been fighting and fighting and fighting 24/7 for Corey's  FREEDOM & so that TRUE JUSTICE will prevail. Corey Clagett 82477 1300 N. Warehouse Road  Ft.Leavenworth, KS 66027 http://www.coreyclagett.com/Home_Page.html Now they are reaching out for your help to listen to their story to know the TRUE & REAL FACTS of this case & their asking we all par take in helping FREE A True American Hero and Patriot. This evening on CPT Corey's AWESOME Mother joins us and will be telling their story of just how pains of WAR can be that we simply do NOT see on TV, Radio or in The Movies. CPT returns w/ its all star cast of " COOL " Mike , Germain & of course Sarge.