Police State Part I

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Tonights broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of :  General Douglas McAuther began his career by joining the Army as A Veteran of WORLD WAR I.    MacArthur was valedictorian at the West Texas Military Academy, and First Captain at the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he graduated top of the class of 1903   The 1President of The 928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam also named Chief of Staff of the United States Army in 1930 & Supreme Allied commander in WWII.    He died 5 April 1964 he was 84 to this day more High Schools in The USA are named after General Mac then any other military commander ALL taken the mascot The Generals.   --Show Topic -- In 1776 A REVOLUTION took place in 13 Colonies NOW known as The United States of America. The founding Fathers comprised of 55 MEN signed A Declaration & A WAR took place to guarantee FREEDOM & LIBERTIES for ALL Americans. The reason for The Declaration & Constitution of the United States is to guarantee rights for it's PEOPLE & LIMIT The Federal Government. So how has this gottten out of control? A FBI, Homeland, TSA , ATF , Federal Marchalls ALL w/ almost un-limited law & w/ out needing of warrant? Now The IRS reading your E-Mails? No mention of STATE , County & Locals Police,. ALL have authority to carry wepons & can disarm if needed. Do we live in A Police State?  Do we need more Government & it's agencies? TONIGHT we will talk about the growth of GOVERNMENT POLICE & their continued demand for more POWER over WE THE PEOPLE. This evening we will talk about EXPANDING of Federal , State & Local Police force & can we afford it? Who i the real enemy?  Tonight it's CPT on BTR