The Boston Act of 2013

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Tonights broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of : Paul Tibbets who was a brigadier general in the United States Air Force, best known for being the pilot of the Enola Gay (named for his mother), the first aircraft to drop an atomic bomb in the history of warfare. The bomb, code-named Little Boy, was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. He was 92. Paul Tibbets was selected for bombing Japan When the operation was in development stage there were two main candidates for this mission; Brigadier General Frank Armstrong and Colonel Roscoe Wilson. Both very qualified men. However, Paul Tibbets had an advantage over them. He had experience in strategic bombing obtained while bombing German cities. He had served as the personal pilot of Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was as well a very experienced B-29 pilot making him an ideal candidate. -- Show Tpic -- Does anybody know what The ( Boston ) Marathon Act is? Well you will soon as something we know is in the works to prevent another HORRIBLE bombing like Monday in Boston. The answer is WE NEED MORE HOMELAND Employees as well as NOW STATES also need Dept. of state security reporting to the The Federal Government. Air Traffic for the first time since 9/11 in Boston has been shut down by The Government itself in order to conduct their investigation and catch those responsable for the bombing and HORRIBLE TRAGEDY. Tonight during the next several days and weeks we will again see the WORLD FAMOUS FBI & Homeland taking over locals and running the show. Their pledge & recomendation on how to preevent another will be as easy to perdict as TRUST us more and we will protect you. TONIGHT CPT will cover this story from the start of the race to the ending of horror. Call in or join us in chat.