Meagan McCrary - Pick Your Yoga Practice

The Revolution Of Health™ show

Summary: Welcome to Everything Yoga: Smart, Simple & Straightforward with your host Meagan McCrary, giving yoga a real voice from a practical perspective. L.A.-based yoga teacher and freelance writer, Meagan McCrary has immersed herself in the American yoga scene, taking classes, researching and interviewing prominent teachers for her upcoming book, “Pick Your Yoga Practice: Exploring and Understanding Different Styles of Yoga” (New World Library, 2014).  Continuing from last week's conversation, Meagan dives deeper into the differences among vinyasa-style and alignment-based class. Herself an alignment expert, she shares why holding the poses is benificial, along with her personal teaching style and what her classes are all about. Meagan also shares what she's noticed teaching yoga at Equinox, where the teachers are primarily vinyasa flow or power yoga, and some of her students' reactions.   Bottom line: American yoga has become as diverse as the Americans who practice it. There are a number of styles, hundreds of studios and thousands of teachers—not everyone is going to like every stye. But you don't know until you know, and Meagan is here to let you know what's available in ways of practicing yoga. She doesn't care where or what style you practice, just that you get in your bodies, start breathing and become present.