Episode 81: 20 May 2013

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: In which we chew over shortlists, awards winners, book covers and gender issues, all of which pales in comparison to the FIRST QUILT IN SPACE. Hugo Packet! What are YOU going to read? Would password protected freebie novels put you off reading them? Locus Award finalists Sturgeon finalists Campbell Memorial Award finalists Mythopoeic Award finalists Nebula winners Aurealis Awards winners Comments: Tansy on "winning too many awards" Keith Stevenson on why the awards are just fine and don't need to be 'sorted out'. To add some positivity (which more accurately reflects most people's experience of this awards night!) check out Sean's Storify of the AA's night and Tehani's post on attending at the last minute with lovely frockage pics. For even more gorgeous pictures, Cat Sparks' Flickr feed is the way to go! The coverflip experiment, started by Maureen Johnson's piece on Huffington Post. The artist behind the Georgette RR Martin cover discusses her imaginary brief. Hawkeye Initiative Coda - using humour art to get the gender point across in the workplace. THE FIRST QUILT IN SPACE! Frontier craft for the final frontier. Also, bye bye Commander Hadfield - thanks for bringing back the sense of wonder The most significant futurists of the past 50 years Tansy Melbourne public appearances to announce Sisters in Crime 14 June dinner "in conversation with Livia Day, Josephine Pennicott Poppy Gee" Splendid Chaps 15 June - details tba, keep an eye on the Splendid Chaps website for booking details after the 23rd May. Culture Consumed ALISA: Star Trek Into Darkness TANSY: Iron Man 3 FINISHED GAME OF THRONES BOOKS; Queers Dig Time Lords, 2 Minute Time Lord discussion with editors/contributors of QDTL ALEX: Alanna, Tamora Pierce; The Thief, Megan Whalen Turner Please send feedback to us at galacticsuburbia@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @galacticsuburbs, check out Galactic Suburbia Podcast on Facebook and don't forget to leave a review on iTunes if you love us!