CD Speak UP! Rebroadcast with RE Clark

Christian Devotions SPEAK UP! show

Summary: Join us this week on Christian Devotions SPEAK UP! as Scott talks to church fence-mender and devotional writer, RE Clark. RE Clark is the author of Glasses in the Grass, a unique devotional book that utilizes QR-codes to portal the reader to a full web-based Bible study. He serves as an associational missionary in Northwest Arkansas where he ministers to seventy-one churches, missions, and ministry points. Clark’s devotional life deepened after his wife’s death from Lou Gehrig’s Disease. He was blessed by his second marriage to Trudy. Trudy’s ?rst husband, a police of?cer, was killed in the line of duty. Together they have eight children, sixteen grandchildren, and one great grandchild. His devotional blog may be followed at: Email: