#123: Fade/Cliche by Sportsguitar

Dig Me Out - The 90's rock podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> On episode #123 our frequent suggestor Dirty Gert throws his third requested review of the year into the ring with the Swedish duo <a href="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/sportsguitar-mn0000156066">Sportsguitar</a> and their 1996 album Fade/Cliche. Like Radial Spangle and Space Needle, Sportsguitar is a challenge upon first listen. Hidden beneath layers of guitar noise are pop melodies, some deeper than others. Are they too deep, or just right? Tune in to find out. <br> Songs in this Episode: <br> <br> <br> Intro - Down <br> 10:20 - Terror <br> 13:49 - Reality <br> 18:40 - Down <br> 21:34 - Serious <br> Outro - Tits <br> <br> <br> <br> Follow on <a href="http://twitter.com/digmeoutpodcast">Twitter</a> / <a href="https://www.facebook.com/DigMeOutPodcast">Facebook</a> <br> <a href="http://www.digmeoutpodcast.com/requestareview">Request A Review</a> <br> <br> <br>