Mind Set Daily - May 21, 2013

Mind Set Daily show

Summary: Topic covered on today's episode of Mind Set Daily "Fukushima Radiation Fallout" Ever hear about a major news event that happens somewhere in the world and the major piece of news broadcasts all over the Internet, hits the nightly news for weeks and then suddenly you don`t hear about it anymore and it is forgotten? Yes, this happens all the time and one major tidbit of news that rocked the world was the nuclear disaster that happened in Fukushima, Japan a couple of years ago. There has been a lot of long-lasting radiation from this disaster that is affecting the environment, ecosystems, food, people and wildlife. Yet we don't seem to hear about this on the mainstream news it seems. On this episode of Mind Set Daily we highlight a story that talks about what is currently happening with the fallout, would you like to find out more? Then listen to this episode! Link One Link Two Link Three Support Mind Set Central Suscribe or donate