Debating Subsidies For Wind Power

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: Was Race A Factor Judge's Election? A judicial race in Washington state is raising questions about racial bias among voters. KUOW's Liz Jones reports. Should We Eliminate Subsidies For Wind Power? Presidential candidate Mitt Romney says he will eliminate federal tax credits for wind farms if he's elected. Washington is the sixth major producer of wind energy in the country. What would happen to local wind power and other green energy sources if federal wind subsidies were eliminated? We get both sides of the argument from Washington energy experts. The Granddaddy Of All Logger Shows: The Morton Logger's Jubilee is taking place right now in Morton, Washington, near Mount Rainier. The weekend includes lawnmower races, axe throwing, choker setting, log rolling, single and double bucking, stock and hot saw, springboard chop, speed climbing, tree topping, vertical and horizontal chop, obstacle pole bucking, Jack N' Jill and Jill N' Jill bucking, and of course the Jubilee Queen Coronation. We talk to a logger who's competing in several of the exciting events.