"The Devil You Say," Satanism Then and Now

The Hermetic Hour show

Summary: On Thursday, August 9th, 2012 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on Satanism and its relation to the Western Esoteric Tradition. We will trace its early historical precedents: Set, Tiamat, Nergal, Ahriman, and how these demonic elements were incorporated into the Biblical tradition as contenders in the service of "God." We'll discuss Gnostic ideas about the Cain and Abel Biblical perversity, the evil Demiurge, and the medieval Luciferians. Moving into the Hermetic Tradition in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, we will explain High Magick's sophisticated idea, based on ancient Egyptian concepts, of controlling and using dark forces with the Power of Light. Then we will trace the descent of magick, following the Reformation, into the "Faustian School" of the Baroque period with its "Demonic Pacts," finally evolving into full-blown Satanism in the decadent Fin d' Sec le era in late 19th century France. We'll mention several books by famous authors taking the Devil's side, and we'll recount our afternoon with Tony Levy (Anton LaVey) and his wife, and I'll even recall my own meeting with The Devil Himself. The bottom-line in all of this is that Old Nick cannot be avoided in any serious practice of Magick based on Biblical traditions -- because he is very much a part of those traditions -- but he should never be worshiped or allowed to run your show. He's an adviser, a consultant, and even a friendly one at times, but always remember: he works for God and he plays God's game. Tune in and we'll tell you how to get to Heaven before the Devil knows you're dead.