SPP 056 – What to do When the Words Aren’t Coming

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: NOTE: Johnny and Sean would like to announce that the FULL SAGA OF UNICORN WESTERN (books 1-9) is now available. You can get it here on Amazon, or search other stores to find it there. Today, we talked about the various species of writer's block… I guess. But more accurately, we talked about stalling or failing on a project and then ditching THAT PROJECT (or that draft) and doing something different or trying again. What we don't suggest doing is staring at a blank screen and thinking about how we can't write and are "blocked." Sean and I share the story about how in our new publishing company Realm & Sands(you're signed up for the mailing list to get our new releases at a discount, right?), we ditched the concept for one of our "sitcoms" because it wasn't working and replaced it with other projects. Dave talks about ditching words, Sean talks about pushing through discomfort, and I also share the story of how I COULD have gotten blocked writing The Bialy Pimps but was too new and too stubborn to do so. To view the video version of this episode, go to: Self Publishing Podcast #56 - What to do When the Words Aren't Coming