WWE Raw, Titus Machiavelli Interview


Summary: 5/21/13-On tonight's The RCWR Show, Lee Sanders welcomes wrestling promoter and manager extraordinaire Titus Machiavelli. Titus shares with Lee why wrestling managers is a lost forum in today's era as he's looking to bring it back. Fans not familar with Titus will won't to check out this interview as he's really a great throwback to wrestling of yesterdays. Also the latest in wrestling news & beyond! No B.S or no fluff, just honest analysis with great feedback from fan reactions! *THIS INTERVIEW IS EXCLUSIVE TO BLOGTALKRADIO.COM AND YOUTUBE.COM/THERCWRSHOW ONLY* Vote for Titus @ challenge.tnagutcheck.com Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube WWW.TITUSMACHIAVELLI.COM Wrestling questions? Email us: Enfinity1Productions@gmail.com Follow us on Twitter @ http://tinyurl.com/amb8r3m Like our page and befriend us on Facebook! http://tinyurl.com/b8qc63yEpisodes available on ITunes!http://tinyurl.com/929h4hr