Ask MomRN Show - Infertility, Teens & Relationships

FlyLady and Friends show

Summary: It's National Infertility Awareness Week (April 23-April 27). More than 1 in 8 couples - over seven million Americans - will have trouble getting pregnant. Although infertility is a common medical condition, it is an extremely emotional and difficult experience for couples, often leaving them feeling isolated and alone. Unfortunately, it is often the emotional barriers, or simply a lack of information, that leads couples to delay seeking the help of a fertility specialist. We'll be joined by Dr. Roshini Raj, nationally recognized internist and best-selling author of the book, What the Yuck?!: The Freaky & Fabulous Truth About Your Body to discuss how to know if it is time to see a fertility specialist and resources for couples seeking help. Have a teenager who is dating or in a relationship? Author, speaker, tv talk show co-host, and CEO/President of Women Recharged, Aprille Franks-Hunt joins us to discuss helping your teen navigate dating and relationships in a healthy, positive way and shares lessons from her book, Confessions of an Independent Woman: Truth, Lies, & Relationships. Whether you are a brand new parent or have teenagers leaving the nest in a few short years, MomRN has advice, support, and encouragement to help you on your journey through parenthood. Her expertise has helped thousands of parents as they strive to be the best parents they can be. Join MomRN and her expert guests each week for practical advice for raising a happy, healthy family.