Impact Wrestling Fallout, Justin Reno


Summary: IMPACT SHOWDOWN Radio TNA IMPACT WRESTLING COVERAGE 5/17/13- Impact Showdown Radio welcomes Online TNA Gut Check Challenge winner The Famous Justin Reno! Justin's been making waves with his alter ego, Judas Yorick as Justin talks about his experience in the competition and what's next for his career. Also, fallout from tonight's Impact Wrestling as Aces & Eights come to terms with the return of Abyss! And the Bound For Glory series begins as former TNA Gut Check winners return in qualifying matches! *INTERVIEW EXCLUSIVE TO BLOGTALKRADIO AND YOUTUBE.COM/THERCWRSHOW No B.S or no fluff, just honest analysis with great feedback from fan reactions! Our chat room is open as we want to hear from you! Wrestling questions? Email us: Follow us on Twitter @Enfinity1Prod or @TheRCWRshow Like our page and befriend us on Facebook! available on ITunes!