Betsy Thompson

The Intentional Spirit ... Seeing and Being show

Summary: Betsy Thompson is a writer with a passion for communicating spiritual concepts. In every job she has had from the age of 16 up until this moment-whether it was waitressing, selling radio time, being a commercial print model, executive assistant, housewife, or author-her lessons have been about understanding how she faces herself wherever she goes. Betsy finally realized that each job and each person was an opportunity to know herself better, not an opportunity to blame others for her problems. Betsy is the author of six books and is now in the process of getting her early self-published books up on Amazon in newer, improved versions. In addition to The WHAT HAPPENS IF I Book ... , Betsy is the author of Walking Through Illusion, The Mirror Theory, LoveParent, LoveHuman, and You Are What You Think so Make Your Thoughts Delicious.