04/11/12 Acceleration Radio Guest Cris Putnam

acceleration – Fringe Radio Network! show

Summary: While former Vatican Observatory Research Group (VORG) director George Coyne has suggested that the “stars are God’s sperm,” naturalistic panspermia faces serious challenges. First and foremost, life in space has never been shown to exist. But even if allowed for argument’s sake, only if the seeds are encased deeply inside mineralized rock for protection could their survival be deemed remotely possible. How this could occur is the focus of intense research. Even though he denied the VORG’s current involvement in astrobiological research during an interview with the authors of Exo-Vaticana, Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno, who specializes in meteors, indicated in 2004 that he was working with NASA astrobiologist Lynn Rothschild on whether meteorites are adequate for transporting life to earth. Evidence suggests that some microbes can survive the radiation in space, but the intense heat of entry into the atmosphere still poses a serious challenge. This leads many to assume intelligent causation.   http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com http://www.logosapologia.org/?p=4771