Mothers Day Story

Sparkle Stories Blog » Free Story show

Summary: Mother's Day Sunday is an emotional day.  Anticipation, excitement, disappointment, maybe some shame,  gratitude and love and even rage are all in the mix on Mother's Day.  Part of the reason for this wide range of emotion is our lack of clarity around the day.  What exactly are we celebrating on Mother's Day? Is it like a birthday where we focus on the individual? Or is it more like an evaluation where we focus on their role as mother? Or maybe it is simply the act of mothering that we celebrate - and thus it can be open to grandparents and other caregivers central to raising children.  Or all of them together. The challenge, then is to be clear about the celebration and then authentic about the way you do it.  Or maybe it is best to just enjoy the form - go out to dinner, give flowers, make cards and say "Happy Mother's Day!"  All is allowed, but my suspicion is that most of you are looking for clarity and authenticity.  This is the calling of our time and the tension we feel around it, I think, is proof of the pudding. So here is a story that we here in Sparkle Land can stand by.  It is a story about a hard working momma possum who may share traits with some of you and/or your own mothers. It recognizes the struggle, the trials, the moments of joy - but most of all it recognizes the clear and authentic need - for a day off. Momma Opossum has just moved the family to a new home.  Now everyone is hungry!  They must go out and find  something to eat in their new neighborhood.  Her three young kits dutifully follow their mother day and night, but now, tired and hungry, they are grouchy and don't want to help.  This is a story about Mothers' patience, Mothers' strength, and why Mothers sometimes simply need a little rest.