No Excuses to a Healthier You with Jonathan Roche

No Excuses to a Healthier YOU with Jonathan Roche show

Summary: During this show, Jonathan shares why he dedicates his Boston Marathon (this year on April 18th) to raising awareness and funds for Dana Farber Medical Center  April's Fitness Habit of getting appropriate amounts of sleep is discussed. And we hear from No Excuses teammates about their progress. This show is about empowering you to avoid making excuses and to help you maximize your fitness and weight loss results. No gimmicks, just research-based facts from Award-Winning Fitness Expert, Certified Personal Trainer, 14-time Boston Marathon Finisher and 11-time Ironman Triathlon Finisher Jonathan Roche. Visit to access free workouts and to sign up for a free daily message from Jonathan (Joining the NEWO Community on Bigtent).