155: No Child Left Behind (and Other Bi-Partisan Education Conspiracies)

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Topic: A follow-up to our recent shows about behaviorism and educational politics, this episode examines the origins of, and ideologies and motives behind the controversial (yet bi-partisan!) No Child Left Behind legislation of 2002, or 1989, or 1967, or 1933, or 1903, depending on where you start the story. Bumper Music: "Waiting For Superman" The Flaming Lips Look Closer: The No Child Left Behind Act: A Look at Provisions, Philosophies, and Compromises http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JITE/v41n2/kymes.html Origins and Purpose of "No Child Left Behind" http://www.educationanddemocracy.org/Emery/Emery_NCLB.htm A SHORT ANGRY HISTORY OF AMERICAN FORCED SCHOOLING http://4brevard.com/choice/Public_Education.htm The Political Economy of Collective Skill FormationPDF EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE TYRANNY http://www.newswithviews.com/Chapman/michael.htm RICH DAD: The Conspiracy Against Our Education, Why Money is not Taught in Our Schools http://www.conspiracyoftherich.com/ EdWatch http://www.edwatch.org/ The Underground History of American Education, by John Taylor Gatto (Chapter 12 - The Daughters of the Barons of Runnemede, Section 15 - The General Education Board And Friends) http://www.johntaylorgatto.com/chapters/12o.htm Help School Sucks, Tragedy and Hope and John Taylor Gatto: Enter the coupon code: "SCHOOLSUCKS"