Welcome Ronna Herman, internationally known channel for Archangel Michael

Awake: Now What? show

Summary: Ronna Herman is internationally known as a channel for Archangel Michael. She brings Archangel Michael's messages of hope and inspiration to many thousands each year. A retired business executive and real estate broker, Ronna provides a common sense approach to metaphysics. She teaches what she knows, having struggled with many of the same lessons others face in their journey to wholeness. Ronna's spiritual search began in the early 70s, and after much intense study and training, she began a second career as a spiritual teacher and counselor. She overcame many obstacles along the way: personal losses of all kinds, illness, doubts and fear. These down-to-earth experiences and tempering give Ronna's teachings a dose of realness and believability. Ronna is a positive role model for women because of her strong yet warm and nurturing qualities. Men and women alike resonate with her work because of how profoundly it uplifts lives. They are inspired to move forward in the Light by Ronna's loving example of service, and by the messages that come through her Those who have attended her seminars receive valuable tools to move to the next level of their spiritual growth. Ronna presents powerful seminars throughout the United States and the world, touching peoples' hearts and connecting them with their soul self. In her first book, On Wings of Light, Ronna shares inspirational messages from Archangel Michael. Following on this success, Ronna has written a trilogy of six stories that she calls "metafiction." Offered now in manuscript form, the stories in Once Upon a New World are based in part on glimpses and remembrances of some of Ronna's past lives and some of her current incarnation experiences. Ronna's latest books include The Golden Promise, Your Sacred Quest, and Scripting Your Destiny. For more information go to http://www.ronnastar.com/