Chat with Dr Sue Johnson, PhD, ND, Psychic, Healer, Medium

Awake: Now What? show

Summary: I am a gifted psychic/healer/medium with talents, creativity and ingenuity that has been of great value in my life and the life of others. I invite you to travel through my website and experience some of the wonderful and exciting things that are happening, even as we speak. I have re-aligned my work to be a front runner in my chosen lifestyle of “The Soul Doctor”. Being born a psychic/healer/medium and traveling the world working with other gifted individuals has added to my already especially unique gifts. These experiences have enabled me to successfully re-create my life and that of others. I am constantly evolving and re-aligning to the daily shifts of energies and our consciousness. This is a major time of change and recalibrating ourselves and the planet we live on. I have taken time to look into the future and see what is needed for the higher dimensional human. Yes…Higher Dimensional Human. Many have taken the step into the 4th and 5th dimensions, and beyond. In doing so our whole way of being has changed. We are now higher dimensional beings still anchored on a 3D earth for transformational experiences and transmuting the physical cellular body. I have created, and downloaded, information and techniques from the higher guides to assist peopled in their personal guided ascension process. This is very intense work, and powerful energy is used to upgrade and align your human body to the new energies. We who have ascended in human form have passed into what I call the “holding stage”. This is an unknown area of our process to realign and recalibrate the human form. My guides have already integrated the higher energies into my consciousness to enable me to better help you through these confusing and painful times. This holding area is a very short time to download and prepare for what is to come. The coming months are critical to our ascension into the higher consciousness of humanity. For information go to