108: Listener’s Round Table Edition 12 (Part 1)

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: Mr. Beauchamp, a loyal listener of the Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast, will be joined by Eric Westman, M.D. as my featured guests today. It has been a large hiatus since we last aired the Listener’s Roundtable Discussion – Edition 11 – on January 11, 2012. I had been busy in producing special podcast series in addressing other important issues such as Alzheimer’s Disease, cancer, dental health, cardiovascular disease, and among others. Now, I have entered my semiretirement. Before I conclude this regular weekly podcast show, it is particularly interesting to me to have both Mr. Beauchamp and Dr. Westman on a special edition of the Listener’s Roundtable discussion, because the topics of this episode are very informative to most, if not all, of us. I trust that you are anxious and want to find out what they will talk about. Please tune in and listen to this interesting interview!   About Eric Westman, M.D., MHS. http://www.dukehealth.org/physicians/eric_c_westman   Order my book: Carbohydrates Can Kill. Want to support my campaign? Please click the “Donate” button in the right-hand column of this page. Contact Me