HJU Radio #3, Part 2 – Samurai Sentai Shinkenger

HJU Radio show

Summary: The hits just keep on coming as the assembled Team of Justice tackle the first couple episodes of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger! Click, download, listen and enjoy. Part 3 will be on the way soon where we cover Decade and I'm working on getting another show together soon to record Episode 4 where we go over the latest in Tokusatsu News with guest host, Dukemon. Our ragtag group of guest hosts are as follows: Chad "Knux Five" Bonin from GaijInside.Com The Famous IGADEVIL! WTF @ TFW's Vangelus who has a MOST rockin' YouTube Channel And thanks to the exhaustive efforts of our resident WebWizard, HJU Radio is now fully on the cyber-air and in the iTunes Store. Click the below to subscribe! [Click Here to Subscribe to HJU Radio on iTunes!]